Hi, I'm Suyash

QA engineer

I’m a professional Quality Assurance engineer and trained software developer. My multidisciplinary skills allow me to not only find bugs but also help in debugging the root cause. I also enjoy building things with React and Javascript.

Recent Posts


E-commerce store which gets data from Fake Store API. Built with React for front-end, Redux for state management and Chakra UI for design components.


Visualized top 500 posts for a subreddit in a heatmap. Worked with tasks, user stories designs and used the GitHub flow with Pull Requests and code reviews. Built with ReactJS & Styled components.


Note taking app with features to search, filter and categorize. Built with React - custom hooks and context for state management. Styled using Material UI components and MUI icons.


Real time chat app where users can either create their own channel or join an existing one. Built with ReactJS for frontend and Firebase for user authentication and real time database.


Job search website which pulls data from Github Jobs api. Built with React using Hooks and context for state management.


